Established in 2022, Veteran Knots is a UK company founded by serving and former members of the Armed Forces.

With over 70 years of service to the Queen, King and country, military values and standards are intrinsic in everything we do, enabling us to bring some of the finest rums to you from across the globe.

Our Premium Range comes from parts of the Commonwealth, where many of our team have served during their career. We also strive to support local businesses with our Handcrafted Flavoured Rum range, which is sourced and produced in the UK

Veteran Knots History

Rum is one of the world’s oldest spirits, and the Royal Navy has been enjoying it and appreciating it for longer than anyone. Since 1732, Sailors and Marines in the Royal Navy were given a 71ml measure, or ‘tot’, of rum daily at midday. After 239 years of tradition, this stopped following Parliamentary vote in 1971.  


Connecting the 71 theme, Veteran Knots was formed in 2022 by serving and former members of the Armed Forces with over 71 years’ service between them, and in keeping with the Navy connection, two of the founders were Royal Marine Commandos. With several tours in the Caribbean, they recognise the history and connection that we wish to retain as a company.  So, whilst we cannot turn back time, we seek to use this connection to bring Rum to the masses and have branded the figure of eight knot as our logo in recognition of speed over water being measured in knots or nautical miles per hour. 

Continuing our Oath of Allegiance, and guided by a strong moral compass, we have made a commitment that all our premium Rum will be acquired from Commonwealth distilleries, who’s shores rest on the Caribbean Sea, which is where we have sailed both in peacetime and on active operations. Family, friends and our military brothers and sisters are invited to enjoy our Rum, to be guided by the stars at night, and to navigate life together with us, at a rate of Knots. 


The first KNOTS PREMIUM RUM is a 9-year-old, tropically aged, dark rum, and is the one to sip and savour.  It’s rather special, it comes from Venezuela, which produces the world’s most revered rums.  Best served neat, or on a large ice cube so that it doesn’t melt quickly and dilute your enjoyment, this KNOTS PREMIUM RUM will give you a terrific tasting experience. It leaves no harsh aftertaste, just the tones of its heritage and provides that warm sensation to assure your senses you have consumed a high-quality beverage that should be savoured.